Caring For COVID-19 Patients

Remote Patient & In Hospital Monitoring
A leading hospital group, based in Chennai, India approached LifeSignals in 2020 to introduce a wireless vital sign monitoring system for COVID-19 patients in numerous locations to help respond to the pandemic and save lives.
Due to the surge of COVID-19, doctors and nurses experienced high stress levels for the overwhelming amount of work. Hospitals faced a shortage of hospital beds and temporary hospital beds with proper vital sign monitoring equipment. The shortage of hospital staff made it nearly impossible to monitor patient vital signs at regular intervals, making it difficult to identify early patients with deteriorating vitals.
The implementation of UbiqVue Multiparameter eliminated the need of nurses to collect vital signs at intermittent periods, while simultaneously improving the comfort of the patient who no longer needed to be woken up and disturbed to have their vitals taken. The hospital group was able to direct their scarce resources to the most critical patients and made hospital staff more efficient overall.
- Healthcare monitoring scalability. A nurse or doctor can access the data of 50+ patients
- Simplified triage-patient care system to provide care to the most critical patients
- Efficiently move recovering patients from ICU to general wards, while allowing less at-risk patients to be monitored from home
- The UbiqVue Portal dashboard allows many patients to be monitored in real-time from a single nursing station or device
- Quick bedside on-boarding of new patients by using the UbiqVue App installed on a tablet and UbiqVue 1AX Biosensor
- System can alert doctors of patient conditions, grant access to patient data, and enable them to give treatment instructions to the clinical care team